Tuesday, June 26, 2012

99 Things to do this summer

1.     Spend the day at the pool
2.    Go to the Movies
3.    Go to the Library
4.    Family movie night
5.    Camping
6.    Water fight in the yard
7.    Make your own recipe
8.    Watch Fireworks
9.    Paint outside
10. Glow water beads in the tub
11.  Make Playdough
12. Sleepover party
13. Ride the train
14. A day of cooking
15. Start sharing a room
16. Reading and cooking day
17. Go to the Zoo
18. Make a bird feeder
19. Make a marshmallow shooter
20.Paint with side walk chalk
21. Make mud pies
22.Play with ice
23.Go bowling
24.Day of Science
25.Do something nice for a stranger
26. Go fishing
27. Go to the Nature Center
28. Have a picnic
29. Go to the drive-in movies
30. Go roller skating
31. Get snow cones
32. Go miniature golfing
33. Go to the mall
34. Make ice cream
35. Have a party for no reason
36. Photo shoot
37. Write a letter to a family member
38.Write a letter to a friend in CA
39. One day NO TV
40. Build a fort
41. Plan a new playground
42. Mix our own drinks
43. Go to the dentist
44. Paint the bedroom
45.Organize the play room
46. Everyone tell a silly/scary story before bed
47.Write Daddy an e-mail
48.Have a cookout with our friends
49. Skype with someone
50. Send a postcard to our friends
51.  Experiment with eggs
52. Put on a play
53. Dance party
54. Go to the Lake
55. Family Canoe
56.  Teach Lilly to swim
57. Make up a song and sing for an audience
58. Buy a gift for someone else
59. Donate toys and clothes
60. Go to the farmers market
61.  Go to Sonic and eat in the car
62. Roast hot dogs on the fire
63. Collect bugs
64. Mini Olympics
65. Go to the Park
66. Make a slip and slide
67. Cook dinner on a fire
68. Have a tea party
69.Teach Lilly to use the potty
70. Give Penny a bath
71. Kaleigh learn how to ride a bike without training wheels
72. Go golfing
73. Play in the sink
74. Make our own candy
75. Paint in BIG shower
76. Write the entire Alphabet
77. Make a poster about Summer
78. Tie dye a shirt
79. Paint nails and toe nails
80. Fancy dinner (candles, fancy dishes, and nice dresses)
81. Get doughnuts for breakfast
82. Mixed up meals
83. Watermelon seed spitting contest
84.Picture scavenger hunt
85. Kaleigh learn to dive
86. Take a picture under water
87. Call and invite a friend over
88. Write a book
89. Draw pictures for the book
90. Look at the stars
91.  Make day time stars
92. Take Kaleigh to get her nails done
93. Follow an exercise video
94. Teach Kaleigh to sew
95. Make a home movie
96. Make Coke Floats
97. Have a daddy daughter date
98. Make a Cake for fun
99. Stay in our pajamas all day

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Girls Evening

When husband travels I like to make one day a Girl's Night (really more of an afternoon bedtime sort thing). Maybe when they are a little older I will let it turn into a "night" time activity but for now they love it!

We started our evening with a fun water balloon fight. It was not as hot as I had hopped but the girls loved it. Lillian (almost 2 years old) began to get frustrated that the regular water balloons popped so easily so I found some regular balloons and filled them with water. They would not pop so she liked squeezing them and dropping them.
  Around six o'clock tummies got hungry so it was PIZZA time. Usually we make our own pizza dough but we had too much fun outside! Luckily I found some dairy-free dough in the freezer and we made our favorite pizza! Tomato sauce, goat cheese, turkey peperoni, and steak.
  While the pizza cooked we decided it was movie time. To make movie special I let the girls dress in any outfit they wanted. As Kaleigh is a princess she found a fancy church dress and her new headband! She then went into Lillian's closet and assisted her in outfit selection. The movie selected was Rio!
The pizza was enjoyed and devoured!
The evening ended with chocolate popcorn and a little bit of our cookie cake!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Things to do with moving boxes

Box car
When collecting boxes for our move across country we found some boxes that could not be used. These became fun "box cars". We used the small sample paints from painting the rooms in our house. It was a fun way to reuse what we had round the house. Once the painting was finished we added a paper plate for the steering wheel and the girls loved it!

Cave of lights
This box was HUGE!! After moving into our rental house my husband and I bought new bedroom furniture and this is one of the boxes. I got this idea from another blog which she called it a "cave of stars". My girls loved it and it had almost a calming effect on them.

What you need:
Christmas lights
something to make holes in the box (we used a screw driver)

Introducing the singing of Kaleigh!!
This was an activity made out of desperation. It was a beautiful day so I wanted to take the girls outside but it was almost dinner time so we needed to stay home. For this activity I found another tall box from our bedroom furniture and let them paint all over it. They used their fingers, paint brushes, washcloth, apple, wheel, and grass to experiment with different textures. My oldest Kaleigh (3 1/2 years old) loved painting with the things she normally couldn't paint with, at first she would tell me I was silly and couldn't use that to paint (which only made me want to find more "silly" things).
After painting she found her dress up and we spent the rest of the day introducing each other and making up silly songs.